Окрашивание тканейКонтроль качества окрашенных тканей

Барабанный тестер пиллингуемости RAN-B

Random tumble pilling test machine type В«RAN-BВ», for testing the pilling behavior of textile samples (woven or knitted goods) or development of fiber balls, known as pills, on the surface of textile samples.
Testing is carried out in four testing chambers lined with cork in accordance with current ISO standards. The movement of the samples is increased with impellers made from stainless steel. Compressed air can also be used to increase the movement of the samples.

Random tumble pilling test machine type В«RAN-BВ»
Random tumble pilling test machine type В«RAN-BВ»

Технические характеристики

Chamber diameter 146 mm
Number of chamber s 4
Flapping wing speed 1200 rpm
Running time 1 min – 99 h 99 min
Dimensions W x D x H 460 x 370 x 520 mm


Brochure «DyeingВ»
Brochure «Dyeing»
  Brochure В«RAN-BВ»
Brochure «RAN-B»