Окрашивание тканейКонтроль качества окрашенных тканей

Тестер пиллингуемости тканей

Pilling test machine type «PILI-B», for testing the pilling behavior of textile samples (woven or knitted goods) or development of fiber balls, known as pills, on the surface of textile samples. The pill boxes lined with cork correspond to current standards (ISO 12045-1 or JIS I 1076).

Pilling test machine type В«PILI-BВ»Тестер пиллингуемости тканей PILI-II-B

Технические характеристики



Content textile sample/in pill boxes 8 / 2 16 / 4
Pill box chambers 4 (Clariant procedure) 4 (Clariant procedure)
Pill box dimensions W x D x H 235 x 235 x 235 mm
without chamber
235 x 235 x 235 mm
without chamber
Running time 1 min – 99 h 99 min 1 min – 99 h 99 min
Material holder polyurethane or
rubber cylinder
polyurethane or
rubber cylinder
Dimensions W x D x H 690 x 400 x 430 mm 690 x 400 x 820 mm
Weight ~21 kg ~39 kg


Brochure В«DyeingВ»
Brochure «Dyeing»
  Brochure В«PILI-BВ»
Brochure «PILI-В»